Request for Propsals: To design and construct the Maldives stand at NATAS Holidays 2022, Singapore Registration Deadline: Friday, 1st July 2022 before 1000hrs via e-Mail (Maldives Local Time). Information Session/Pre-Bid Meeting date: Friday, 1st July 2022 at 1030hrs (Maldives Local Time). The Meeting link will be shared via email with the registered tenderers only. Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 5th July 2022 via E-Mail, before 1000hours (Maldives Local Time)

High Commission of the Republic of Maldives in Singapore hosts a Webinar on Investment opportunities in Maldives.

High Commission of the Maldives in Singapore in collaboration with Singapore Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries (SICCI), organized a webinar entitled “Investment opportunities in Maldives”, facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture. Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology…